Haley HeinrichWolfeboro, New Hampshire
What moves you? As have most people, I've been through some tough situations that required me to build resilience and adapt to life's many changes. One specific challenge was when I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder as an adolescent. Prior to being diagnosed, I was out on the trails and in the mountains enjoying everything nature had to offer. When the seizures continued, and the doctors couldn't figure out why, I lost my love for life and stopped doing the things that made me happy. I was eventually put on medication that stopped the seizures, but at the same time, I had become an anxious mess that didn't dare to be out on my own, running, hiking, or doing almost anything. I knew things had to change because I was so anxious and unhappy. The summer before my final year of college, I got a dog, and he became my life. My dog helped me build the confidence to get back on the trails and into the mountains. I still can't believe just how much I missed being out there. I have the ability to run, hike, and really do anything I set my mind to. I made a promise to myself, that as long as I am able, I will take advantage of all life has to offer. I will challenge myself, and when things get hard in life, I will find my way to the trails and mountains. When I am on the trails, I feel confident, I feel strong, I feel blessed, and I feel at home. The knowledge of this capability is what moves me.
How does running inspire you to give back? Because I have had my fair share of hardships, I have learned the healing powers of running. I use running to build confidence and discipline, as a therapeutic outlet, to make friends, and to stay healthy and happy. This has inspired me to share my experiences through my work at a nonprofit called Youth Move New Hampshire. I am able to help those struggling, specifically with mental health, and share how exercise has helped me get to a better place. Not only is running beneficial for both mental and physical health, but the ability to set goals and work towards them makes me feel empowered and hopeful. I have found that encouraging others to be active, especially those struggling with their mental health, has made positive changes throughout different aspects of their lives. |