Rebecca Guy HamiltonCambridge, Massachusetts
What moves you? I move to empower and instill confidence in myself through the pursuit of athletic endeavors and adventure! I move to inspire other women, in particular, to challenge societal norms of what it is to be female and feminine and to be STRONG, BOLD, self-assured, adventurous, and that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. Throughout my life competitive athletics, and most recently, road and trail running, has helped me become the person I am today and achieve new goals, break through mental barriers, and learn to love myself.
How does running inspire you to give back? Through running, whether it be trail, road, or mountains, I'm able to explore and experience the natural world. This planet and all it has to offer inspires me to give back by doing my part to help preserve and protect it through environmental stewardship, educating myself and others, and doing what I can to keep it beautiful for generations to come. My everyday work as an oncology nurse and my patients inspire me to give back. I do this by trying to live everyday and life to the fullest. I'm grateful I've been given this able body that is healthy enough to pursue my goals and dreams and want to use it for good. Through various athletic activities, I'm able to raise funds for causes important to me and to help those fighting the good fight every day. |